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' \ ithe SORCERESS NO:<FS011 ' ’ X ; ■% t: y&lf' ■ O Al # **0 7 v I f1k' it is unulieb m ttje storn tfje last toisb that ber attractibe looks lucre a urobuct of magic anb !jab been acquircb burmg ber training, as tuitt) most other sorceresses, geralt notes !ioUi !)er sljoulbers are

- Jd c\ };v hA /<■ < f \ ) % pennefcr nf Pengerberg (born on belletemt of the pear 1173) toas a sorceress» Uii)o lipeb in Pengerberg. t!je capital city of aebirn. she toas tfje poungest member * of t!je brotberboob of sorcerers anb later t ' tfje lobge of sorceresses attempteb to .

pen bab pronnunceb cbeebbnnes. natural, sligbth» irregular cpebrotos trimmeb In* banb anb empbastjeb tuitlj charcoal, long eyelashes. anb petite fjanbs. eben in bigb-beeleb stjoes she toasn’t tall. tuas beautiful but threatening, babing increbibljp thin anb slenber tuaist anb slenber legs»,

 tj)e sÆebm №:<FS011 * s1)f altoaps bres&eb in blacli anb tubite. at tintes tuore stocbings. tuore frilleb nanties but neuer A ' tuore tribialities luit!) unbertuire. f ¥ s!jf bibn’t neeb tn. lier boite tuas résonant anb milblt» berisibe. f ber oberall frimnme sbaue tuas / one of a

buring tlje battit nf snbbtn bill abt tuaa blinbeb b?> frtngflla üign. a nilfgaarbian anrcercaa. ber aigfjt tuaa later magitalh» reatnreb but abe atill bnre t!)t cmntinnnl acara. like mnat anrccreaaca. abe tuaa stcrile. sbe aecretln anugbt a tuap nf reatnrmg !)tr fertüitî». sf)t gabt !)cr

the lain* of bengerberg teas famous for her bcautn. eben though touring t!>c events; of t!je totoer of the stoalloto she toas 94 pears olb. pennefer hab locks» of curio. raben black hair fragrant luit!) lilac anb gooseberro perfume, falling in a cascabe of curls on ber shapelo sljoulbers. ber

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Йеннифер Witcher Персонажи ...The Witcher фэндомы 

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